
  • Percentage of individuals who attempted to flee before the shooting ?
  • Number of incidents involving unarmed individuals ?
  • Number of incidents where a body camera was used ?
  • 46.12% of individuals attempted to flee before being shot.
  • 560 incidents involved unarmed individuals.
  • Body cameras were used in 1,759 incidents.

Accourding to the data

  • The most affected racial group is White, followed by Black and Hispanic individuals.
  • The most common method of fleeing was “car”, meaning individuals attempted to escape using a vehicle.
  • The data shows a slight decrease in incidents in recent years, but overall, the numbers remain high.
  • The highest number of shootings recorded in a single day was 15 shootings.

Questions Accourding to the data

  •  Is there any relationship between country size (by FIPS code) and the number of police departments ?
  • Do larger police departments tend to b e located in urban areas, while smaller onces are in rural areas ?